DOM Specification

About the DOM

The W3C defines the DOM as "a platform- and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents." This means that DOM is merely an interface that can be updated programmatically using a language (such as JavaScript), and the content on the webpage is immediately updated alongside it. The DOM standard can interface with any XML document (even if it is not HTML).

DOM Specifications

The DOM standard is fully governed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). They are responsible for the definitions of not only the DOM, but also the HTTP, HTML, XML, and CSS standards. The W3C houses thousands of members, randing from small to large companies. Although much of the W3C is restricted to its members, the specification for the DOM is publicly accessible and can be found here.

DOM Implementation in Browsers

According to Mozilla although the DOM is defined as language-neutral, it is almost always accompanied by JavaScript when used in the web browser. Furthermore, some implementations of JavaScript (such as Node.JS) do not have an implementation of the DOM; so, these technologies are distinct.


Although the DOM is an interface used to manipulate content on a webpage, it needs a programming language (such as JavaScript) to manipulate it. The DOM specifications are controlled by the W3C, a governing body responsible for numerous web and non-web-related technologies. Finally, since the DOM is merely an interface, it may not come with all versions of JavaScript (such as Node.JS, which is a runtime for JavaScript that runs outside the traditional browser environment).