Samuel Mace

Website Coding - Summer 2022

Learning Plan 1 - Review

Does the site's home page validate?

When I checked the website using the W3 Validator, it did not validate. Instead, it gave me numerous errors ranging from "Property xbackground-color doesn't exist." to "Attribute xxonclick not allowed on element a at this point."

Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate?

When I validated the "PHP Tutorial" website, I got the following error: "Element style not allowed as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)"

Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.

I got 9 errors on the website's homepage, while I got 12 errors on the "PHP Tutorial" page.

How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?

I really enjoyed the website's design. It looks modern and up-to-date, and is also very mobile friendly. I would give it a 5/5 stars for design.

How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1 (horrible) to 10 (fantastic)? Why?

I would say that although there is a lot of content on the page (making it seem crowded), it is still relatively easy to navigate. I would give it a 9/10 stars for usability.

Does the site meet its purpose?

I would say that the website did meet its purpose as a tutorial website landing page.

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