Discover the States

I hope that you will take this opportunity to discover some of what America has to offer.

California Capitol Building


My dad took a road trip from Houghton, Michigan (where he lived previously) to San Francisco, California (his new home) back in March 2022. I had the unique opportunity to go with him to help him move. While on the road trip, I also had the opporunity to film the entire trip.


Each day of the road trip I would back up the entire day of footage onto an external hard disk. The first two states (Michigan and Wisconsin) were filmed using a different camera as can be seen in the videos. Since the old camera broke, we got a newer Garmin camera at the Best Buy in Debuque, Iowa. Along with the Garmin camera, we got a 128GB microSD card, so we didn't have to worry about backing up the footage during long drives.

Speeding Up Content

To speed up the content, I used the ffmpeg command-line tool. Although I could have done this in a video editor, it was much more-efficient to do this in ffmpeg due to the initial large file size.

Background Music

I found several background music videos on YouTube that were marked as content-creator safe. Most of these videos were licensed under the creative commons license. Any videos that are not licensed under the cretive commons license are covered under fair-use (as they are used for educational purposes).

Video Editor

To edit the videos, I used Blender. Although it is more-commonly used as a professional 3D modeling program, it also has strong video editing capabilities.
